Erythrosis is expressed on the face, revealing diffuse redness. This is the most common form of rosacea and it can quickly become embarrassing to have red skin too often. This disease tends to affect hypersensitive and sensitive skin.

Erythroses are common in postmenopausal women because they have a drop in hormones that protect the skin. Erythroses can be permanent or temporary. They are often associated with other skin problems such as rosacea or eczema.

What is erythrosis?

Erythrosis comes from rosacea, a disease that actually affects people with hypersensitive and sensitive skin. Rosacea is also known as rosacea. Like all diseases, there are several stages of rosacea and in the light stage, the redness is episodic and appears mainly during attacks called flushing. At the advanced stage, the redness is permanent and marked. Erythrosis is part of the advanced stage of rosacea.

If you are wondering if you are affected by this, there are several points you can observe:

You blush suddenly and too frequently than normal.

These rednesses which often appear with hot flashes.

At some point, these red spots, which were initially small colored patches, become permanent. This is when we talk about facial erythrosis. These plaques are often located on the cheeks as well as the sides of the nose. The disease will therefore pose aesthetic problems without being dangerous. As the disease progresses, small vessels similar to small filaments may appear on the skin.

What are the causes ?

Erythrosis is caused by many causes but if you have hypersensitive skin that reacts a lot, you have ideal skin for this type of disease. Before you get these permanent patches, your skin is often prone to hot flashes and redness. But then, why do they become permanent? Quite simply because when you have redness, caused by a temperature or an emotion, instead of returning to skin without redness, the blood vessels remain dilated and therefore give way to permanent redness.

Several factors can cause erythrosis on the face, but we know that stress is an important triggering factor. The consumption of alcohol and coffee are also aggravating factors.

However, there are other factors that can cause blood vessels to dilate, such as:

  • temperature changes: whether it is a heatstroke or a coldstroke, temperatures have an impact on blood flow
  • UV rays: if you expose yourself to the sun for a long time, whatever the season, you can sensitize your skin
  • physical effort: obviously when you do physical effort, sports, running and many other things, your cheeks will redden
  • food: if you eat a spicy, hot dish or a drink that is too cold, you tend to blush.
  • a strong emotion: and of course when you feel a strong emotion (sadness, anger, joy, etc.), you may blush more than normal.

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What to do about erythrosis?

If you suffer from rosacea and particularly erythrosis, you can soothe your skin by implementing certain habits and by taking certain treatments:

Be careful not to further damage your skin by avoiding heatstroke, temperature fluctuations or even long periods in the sun without UV protection.

Choose your diet carefully by avoiding dishes that are too hot, spicy or very hot or cold drinks.

Be gentle with your skin by using gentle gestures and avoiding rubbing your skin. For example, if you choose to exfoliate your skin, choose an exfoliant with gentle grains so as not to further attack your skin.

Adapt your beauty routine using anti-redness products, created for sensitive skin.

Test so-called “pulsed dye” laser treatments to obtain attenuation of the plaques because the classic KTP laser, as well as electrocoagulation, are not effective against erythrosis.

Making an appointment with a dermatologist remains the solution to prioritize above all since you will come out with a diagnosis and prescribed creams. Depending on your redness, the dermatologist will only prescribe a cream but it can also be used in addition to a laser if you experience a lot of redness.

Some home remedies for erythrosis

There are also certain home remedies such as:

  • put a little honey on your face to soften your skin
  • apply a cold water compress to reduce redness
  • do not hesitate to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration of your skin
  • eat a balanced diet to avoid deficiencies

In summary, erythrosis is a disease characterized by the appearance of diffuse redness on the face. It is often associated with hypersensitive and sensitive skin. The causes are numerous but we mainly remember temperature changes, UV rays, physical effort or even diet.

There are several solutions to avoid or reduce redness, such as adopting good habits, choosing your beauty routine carefully or having creams prescribed by a dermatologist.

Finally, there are also some effective home remedies like putting honey on your face or applying a cold water compress.