We give you the best advice for using gua sha

The new trend of gua sha is becoming more and more common in your skincare routines , but do you really know how to use it? In this article we explain the different ways to use gua sha .

It works on the skin of the face, stomach, neck and also legs. His goal ? Lift, reduce fine lines, detoxify the skin and redraw facial lines. We share with you the best tips for using gua sha perfectly, a tool often made of jade, aventurine or quartz.

It is not difficult to integrate into your routine , be sure to use it on deeply cleansed skin with a body oil or your usual cream.

Massage on the face

There are different shapes of gua sha , and, for the face, the most suitable is the one with a curved side. You will delicately slide this curved side onto your skin, while making movements in the same direction. The direction to remember is from the inside out, without going back and forth on your skin.

Once you have this technique in mind, start from your chin and slide the gua sha up to your ear, lightly pressing the gua sha against your skin. Repeat this action 5 to 10 times on each side of your face.

Gua sha

Then, position the gua sha on its smooth side, flat on your cheek, stretch from the inside to the outside. To do the movement correctly, start it at the side of your nose and finish against your ear. You can perform the movement 5 to 10 times like the previous one. Be careful to keep your face very hydrated so as not to irritate your skin.

Gua sha face

For people with fine lines on the outside of their eyes, you can do an exercise that can reduce them. You will need to take the curved side of the gua sha which you position just under the eye, stretching up to the temples.

Regarding the neck massage , this time you will have to do the movement from the outside to the inside. Place the flat side of the gua sha at the bottom of your neck, then make a vertical movement up to your jaw.

These movements are simple to do, you only need about ten minutes of patience.

Body massage with gua sha

After the facial massage, let's move on to the body massage. Gua sha provides many virtues such as eliminating toxins while facilitating blood circulation. This will therefore allow you to fight against cellulite.

Body massage with gua sha

Gua sha on the legs

Place the gua sha on its flat phase on the inside of your thigh, on the adductors. Then, you make vertical and downward movements, while pressing lightly. Still on the thighs, but this time in the middle, repeat the same movement as before.

Moving on to the calves, the movement remains the same as that on the thighs, always towards your feet.

Gua sha on the upper body

You can also use gua sha on your arms. With the flat surface of the gua sha, starting from the top of your collarbone towards your hands, make a vertical movement.

You repeat these movements 5 to 10 times on each side.

Gua sha on the back

Gua sha on the back

You suffer from slight back pain, a massage will do you the world of good! Furthermore, you cannot perform this massage yourself. Position yourself on your stomach, make yourself comfortable on your sofa.

The movements are simple, start from the spine outwards, with the flat side of the gua sha. Remember to do the left and right side of your back.

Now you know everything about massage with gua sha. It is important to do this 2 to 3 times a week to get good results. This ancestral Japanese massage technique has been used for thousands of years in China. It considerably reduces fat deposits, heavy legs and muscle pain.